The Goal

The whole approach started when I realized that the children on autism spectrum were not getting enough opportunities to socialize. There is a huge gap between families with children on autism spectrum and services which can be helpful to them. Lets Shine Together acts as a catalyst by connecting these two by creating social skills opportunities, volunteering and running fundraisers etc.

Social Skills Activities

The goal of these classes is for children to become more comfortable in various settings including home and school. We volunteer and support social activities with an objective to develop a variety of skills which improves communication and collaboration. In order to develop these skills, we focus on using methods that are targeted to each child’s needs.

Inclusivity Events

We coordinate and organize events for the children to have a good time, develop confidence and it also gives them an opportunity to display their talents to others. These events include dance and talent shows, painting together and baking for fun. In addition, we also plan community service events to better the community and aid its members

Visit our Facts Page for tips on social development and contact us with any further inquiries.