1 in 44 (or 2.3%) of
children in the US
were identified with ASD
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Our Mission

Lets’ Shine Together is a platform where we focus to create more opportunities for children on autism spectrum to be accepted in the community in a more inclusive atmosphere.

We also emphasize on enhancing social skills with thoughtful methods which helps children on the autism spectrum feel more included in the community, providing them with opportunities for success, and empowering them to reach their full potential.

Founders Message

Growing up as a neurotypical young woman, I saw advancing in society as something well within my grasp, as the implicit rules that govern our social actions and the overall ethos that we engage with all made sense to me. However, at a young age, I was exposed to many friends and fellow classmates who were neurodivergent – people my age with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and other behavioral health conditions.

I frequently found myself trying to help these children in school and getting along with them, whereas most other kids shied away. To me, our differences made us stronger, and I learned an enormous amount from my neuroatypical friends.

1 in 44

Children has been identified with autism spectrum disorder


Number of 3 to 21 year old with autism in U.S. (2019).

3.5 Million

People in United States with an autism spectrum disorder.

6-15% Yr.

Autism is the fastest-growing development disability.

Live Chat With Ria

Facebook live chat between Anuradha Puri and Ria Bajaj about Lets Shine Together the non profit organization.
Watch Now

AttachAvi Autism Foundation in Piscataway held this outdoor Holiday drive-thru parade and celebration. Founder Anita Sharma said they wanted to bring holiday fun and joy to the community. Especially for children with special needs and their families. The event featured a gingerbread house parade float; snack bags; holiday gift raffles; Santa, police and firefighters.
People stayed in their cars or danced in their OWN parking spots.
A student at West Windsor SOUTH high school raised over 35 hundred dollars. Ria Baja sponsored this event through her non profit “Let’s Shine Together.” Source

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